MD of Willow Creek
MD of Willow Creek — The Code of the West
The MD of Willow Creek is home to a strong Western tradition. Steeped in history, its residents are proud to host and share their unique cultural heritage. The district includes Granum, Alberta. Through traditional events such as Rodeo and the various community events, residents continue to offer a unique cultural experience to all.
Did you Know?
The Hamlet of Granum, formerly the Town of Granum, dissolved and joined the M.D. Of Willow Creek in 2020. Now it hosts the Willow Creek Gospel Jamboree in July.
About the Area
Most of the municipality's tax income is derived from wind farms, transmission lines, and pipelines and other non-residential energy based assessment. The Windrise Wind Project wind farm with its 43 turbines has a capacity of 206.4 MW.

A river flows through the green fields and clusters of trees in the MD of Willow Creek. Photo credit: Cindy Chisholm.

Image of the old yellow brick Granum Town Office building.

A farmer's field of blue flowers on green plants bleed into yellow mustard or canola in the distance. Photo credit: Cindy Chisholm.

A river flows through the green fields and clusters of trees in the MD of Willow Creek. Photo credit: Cindy Chisholm.
Town Gallery
Anchored by the Hamlet of Granum, Willow Creek is proud of its history, rodeo and unique cultural heritage.
© 2024 Alberta Southwest Regional Alliance